Below is a basic preprocessing workflow intended as a proof-of-concept using experimental SQL based methods of AnnSQL. Here, we demonstrate how AnnSQL can be used to preprocess Primary Mouse Culture single-cell sequencing data. Note: While, this notebook yields expected results, we consider the preprocessing functionality of AnnSQL to be considered experimental and as the first demonstration of how SQL methods can be used for single-cell analysis.
- Convert to AnnData to AnnSQL
- Save Raw Counts
- QC Metrics (total UMIs and gene counts)
- Filter Libraries
- Normalization
- Highly Variable Genes
- Clustering (Leiden)
- Marker Gene Identification
- Manual Cell Type Annotation
Additional Notes¶
- AnnSQL was build for filtering large datasets with incredible speed using the Duckdb engine.
- Preprocessing steps below are the first SQL-based implementation. We built this functionality as a demonstration rather than a runtime optimized implementation.
- The methods presented below are extremely memory respectful and will run with minimal resources on massive datasets.
- AnnSQL preprocessing is slower for smaller datasets than Scanpy or Seurat; however, when scaling up to massive datasets, it will run with minimal resource usage.
Load the libraries¶
import os
import scanpy as sc
from AnnSQL import AnnSQL
from AnnSQL.MakeDb import MakeDb
Convert to AnnSQL¶
This converts the AnnData object into a AnnSQL database that is stored on disk. Please read more about the options available for creating databases. For large databases, backed mode is fully supported, however it may take time to fully parse and create the database. Be patient. Once the AnnSQL database is created, you will be able to query the database with minimal resources at high speed.
filepath = "data/PCCM.h5ad"
adata = sc.read_h5ad(filepath)
adata = adata.raw.to_adata()
if os.path.exists("db/PCCM.asql"):
MakeDb(adata=adata, db_name="PCCM", db_path="db")
Time to make var_names unique: 14.235388994216919 Time to create X table structure: 0.11473727226257324 Time to insert X data: 9.141429662704468 Finished inserting obs data Finished inserting var_names data Finished inserting var data Finished inserting obsm data Finished inserting varm data Finished inserting obsp data Error inserting key gene_anno: Not implemented Error: Unable to transform python value of type '<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>' to DuckDB LogicalType
<AnnSQL.MakeDb.MakeDb at 0x79b722991ca0>
Open the AnnSQL object¶
asql = AnnSQL(db="db/PCCM.asql")
Save a raw layer¶
Here we save a copy of the raw counts before moving forward with preprocessings. If we ever have an oopsie, we can use the asql.raw_to_X()
method to revert to the original state
X_raw table created from X.
Calculate total UMI counts and total gene counts¶
If your system has low memory, adjust chunk_size
parameter lower so the process matches your system capabilties. You'll want to carry a chunk size forward to future steps that works best for your system.
Total Counts Calculation Started Total Counts Calculation Complete Updating Var Table Gene Counts Calculation Started Gene Counts Calculation Complete
Plot the total UMI and gene counts calculated above¶
Filter low expressing cells and genes¶
#filter by total umi counts
asql.filter_by_cell_counts(min_cell_count=2500, max_cell_count=40000)
asql.filter_by_gene_counts(min_gene_counts=100, max_gene_counts=10000)
Cells with total counts less than 2500 and greater than 40000 removed Removed genes with less than 100 and greater than 10000 from X table.
View the plots after fitlering¶
Normalize & Log the UMI expression¶
asql.expression_normalize(total_counts_per_cell=10000, chunk_size=750)
asql.expression_log(log_type="LN", chunk_size=750)
Query Successful Total Counts Calculation Started Total Counts Calculation Complete Expression Normalization Started Expression Normalization Complete Log Transform Started Log Transform Complete
Determine the highly variable genes¶
asql.calculate_variable_genes(chunk_size=750, save_var_names=False)
Updating Var Table Variance Calculation Complete
Plot the highly variable genes to inform a cutoff¶
Save those highly variable genes to the X layer¶
X table updated with only HV genes.
Perform PCA for dimensionality reduction¶
For memory tuning, you can also increase or decrease the max_cells_memory_threshold
asql.calculate_pca(n_pcs=50, top_variable_genes=2500, chunk_size=750, zero_center=False, max_cells_memory_threshold=1000)
PCA Calculation Started Using SQL method for covariance calculation Covariance Chunk 0 of 2500 Covariance Chunk 750 of 2500 Covariance Chunk 1500 of 2500 Covariance Chunk 2250 of 2500 PCs Chunk 0 of 2500 PCs Chunk 750 of 2500 PCs Chunk 1500 of 2500 PCs Chunk 2250 of 2500 PCA Calculation Complete
PCA variance explained by each component¶
Plotting PC1 and PC2¶
asql.plot_pca(PcX=1, PcY=2)
Calculate UMAP and Leiden Clusters¶
asql.calculate_leiden_clusters(resolution=0.25, n_neighbors=5)
UMAP embedding calculated. Leiden clustering complete. Clusters saved in 'obs' as 'leiden_clusters'.
asql.plot_umap(color_by="leiden_clusters", annotate=True)
Calculate marker genes for each of the clusters¶
Calculating marker genes for leiden_clusters: 10 DE Calculation Complete. Calculating marker genes for leiden_clusters: 7 DE Calculation Complete. Calculating marker genes for leiden_clusters: 3 DE Calculation Complete. Calculating marker genes for leiden_clusters: 8 DE Calculation Complete. Calculating marker genes for leiden_clusters: 9 DE Calculation Complete. Calculating marker genes for leiden_clusters: 4 DE Calculation Complete. Calculating marker genes for leiden_clusters: 0 DE Calculation Complete. Calculating marker genes for leiden_clusters: 5 DE Calculation Complete. Calculating marker genes for leiden_clusters: 1 DE Calculation Complete. Calculating marker genes for leiden_clusters: 2 DE Calculation Complete. Calculating marker genes for leiden_clusters: 11 DE Calculation Complete. Calculating marker genes for leiden_clusters: 6 DE Calculation Complete. Marker genes calculation complete. Query the results with: "SELECT * FROM diff_expression WHERE name='Markers'".
Plot the marker genes for each cluster.¶
These marker genes can be used for manual cell type assignment of the leiden clusters. To simply return a list of marker genes for a cluster, you may run the method asql.get_marker_genes(obs_key="leiden_clusters", group="0")
asql.plot_marker_genes(obs_key="leiden_clusters", columns=3)
Plot some marker genes for manual cell type identification¶
Assign cell types to clusters¶
cell_types = {
asql.add_observations(obs_key="cell_type", obs_values=cell_types, match_on="leiden_clusters")
cell_type added to obs table! obs_values keys matched on leiden_clusters.
Plot UMAP of cell types¶
asql.plot_umap(color_by="cell_type", legend_location="best")
Differential Expression between two groups¶
asql.calculate_differential_expression(obs_key="cell_type", group1_value="Glutamatergic", group2_value="Interneurons", drop_table=False)
DE Calculation Complete.
Plot the Differential Expression between groups¶
asql.plot_differential_expression(pvalue_threshold=0.01, logfc_threshold=1, group1="Glutamatergic", group2="Interneurons")
Query the results with: "SELECT * FROM diff_expression WHERE group1='Glutamatergic' and group2='Interneurons'".
Query the differentially expressed genes¶
asql.query("SELECT * FROM diff_expression WHERE group1='Glutamatergic' and group2='Interneurons'")
name | group1 | group2 | gene | tstat | logfc | df | pval | adj_pval | |
0 | None | Glutamatergic | Interneurons | n0610007P14Rik | 9.510554 | 0.690482 | 244.745049 | 0.000000 | 8.522932e-10 |
1 | None | Glutamatergic | Interneurons | n0610010F05Rik | 1.675895 | 0.108692 | 232.748270 | 0.095102 | 7.748346e-02 |
2 | None | Glutamatergic | Interneurons | n1110001J03Rik | -4.102522 | -0.383268 | 226.199692 | 0.000057 | 1.795565e-10 |
3 | None | Glutamatergic | Interneurons | n1110008F13Rik | 1.368839 | 0.103808 | 234.379478 | 0.172360 | 7.985383e-08 |
4 | None | Glutamatergic | Interneurons | n1110008P14Rik | 4.716690 | 0.385441 | 242.931060 | 0.000004 | 3.083596e-08 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
4995 | None | Glutamatergic | Interneurons | Zrsr2 | -1.943491 | -0.167129 | 228.517537 | 0.053185 | 7.144190e-01 |
4996 | None | Glutamatergic | Interneurons | Zyg11b | 4.248372 | 0.274033 | 229.425298 | 0.000031 | 0.000000e+00 |
4997 | None | Glutamatergic | Interneurons | Zzef1 | -1.031112 | -0.095388 | 232.395308 | 0.303560 | 6.500337e-12 |
4998 | None | Glutamatergic | Interneurons | l7Rn6 | 0.669094 | 0.064054 | 230.303967 | 0.504106 | 2.791669e-03 |
4999 | None | Glutamatergic | Interneurons | mt_Nd6 | -1.171801 | -0.123104 | 228.423793 | 0.242498 | 2.542669e-09 |
5000 rows × 9 columns